A scientist delegation representing more than 33 countries honored by visiting the holy shrines in the holy city of Kerbala

On the sidelines of the participation of the El-Zehra’ (Peace be upon her) Second International Conference held on May 1-3 2013 in Najaf city, a 200 figure delegation representing more than 33 countries visited the holy shrines in Kerbala city.

The delegation included scientists and academicians where Christians were some of them first visited the Imam Hussein and El-Abbas holy shrines. The delegation was taken in a tour with full explanation to inform about the holy shrines. Some members of the delegation had some questions where they found the sufficient answers from the holy shrines foundations. They admired the very noticeable architectural development taking place in the two holy shiners.

Elias George, from Lebanon said that it was the second time for him to visit the Imam Hussein holy shrine, and he expressed his admiration in such an incomparable edifice.
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