Removing a tumor in front of the tonsil area at the al-Kafeel Hospital.

A medical team at Al-Kafeel Specialist Hospital has succeeded in removing a cancerous tumor from the corner of the lower jaw of a patient in his seventies.

The maxillofacial surgeon at the hospital, Dr. Radwan Al-Ta’i, stated that "our medical team has succeeded in the process of removing a cancerous tumor in the lower jaw corner and in front of the tonsil area with the removal (paracentesis) of the lymph glands in the neck on the same side for a 71-year-old patient," explaining "The removed area has been replaced by metal sheets."

Dr. Al-Ta’i added, "The techniques of the operating halls in the hospital are what encouraged us to receive these operations," stressing that "the patient left the hospital after the operation and was in good health."
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