The Nuclear Medicine Center provides diagnostic and other therapeutic services

Al-Kafeel Specialist Hospital in Karbala has various specialized centers, including the Nuclear Medicine Center, which provides treatment services to patients, using the latest technology and medical materials.

The director of the Nuclear Medicine Center at the hospital, Dr. Ahmed Al-Ibrahimi, told Al-Kafeel Global Network: "Our center provides two types of medical services to patients. The first service is the diagnostic service that includes examination of the thyroid gland, kidney function, heart function, as well as bone scanning and others."

He added, "The other service is the therapeutic service, and this is done through the use of an iodine capsule that is radioactive up to a dose of 30 milli-ki, for the treatment of hyperthyroidism, thyroid cancer, and the multi-node thyroid gland."

Al-Brahimi explained: "The center of nuclear medicine has the Gamma-Camera, which works to capture the rays from where they are centered in the organ to be photographed, and convert it into an image that shows the distribution of the radioactive material in it."
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