For the first time in Iraq and in the Al-Kafeel Specialist Hospital: A surgery was conducted using high-precision techniques of radiation treatment for cancer patients

Al-Kafeel Specialist Hospital of Al-Abbas's (p) holy shrine is making advanced steps to provide the best services to the Iraqi patients, and it has made important strides in this field whether by providing modern medical equipment and advices or by its medical cadres who have adequate experience. The hospital has put priorities in its plan, including the treatment of cancer patients, which number has significantly increased in the country, so the hospital stayed away from the conventional treatments of this deadly disease thanks to the fatherly patronage of the General Secretariat of the Al-Abbas's (p) holy shrine and the hospital management, as the hospital was able to provide the latest devices and techniques in the treatment of cancerous tumours using the high-precision technique of the radiation treatment or surgery radiotherapy (linear radiation device). And therefore, it has succeeded in conducting the first operation of this kind in Iraq under the supervision of pure Iraqi team for a patient suffering from breast cancer, instead of nearly 20 radioactive sessions of the old treatment.

The Surgeon Dr. Laith Sharifi, one of the members of the surgical team has explained to Al-Kafeel Network: "Cancer is still, unfortunately, from the incurable diseases, but the high-precision radiation therapy or radiotherapy surgery may represent a new hope for the patients with this malignant disease, and we have started using it in the Al-Kafeel Hospital, s the medical team has conducted a surgery for a patient suffering from breast cancer, to spare her from full mastectomy and nearly 20 radiation sessions after the surgery."

Dr. Sharifi has added: "We have used the linear radiation device, which is available in Iraq exclusively in the Al-Kafeel Specialist Hospital, and it is a breakthrough for the treatment of patients with tumours in the first or second stage, as we can target the tumour through it by shedding the beam with high accuracy up to less than one millimetre, which allows to speed up the treatment, and some of cancer tumours are eliminated in fewer treatment sessions than before, and provides more comfort to the patient."

For inquiries and to see the services provided by the hospital, please visit the official hospital website ( or call the following numbers: (07602344444) or (07602329999).
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