The al-Abbas's (p) Holy Shrine opens the Al-Wafa Complex housing project for the families of the martyrs of the al-Abbas's (p) Squad

The al-Abbas's (p) Holy Shrine opened today, Tuesday (2nd Shawwal 1441 AH) corresponding to (26 May 2020), the Al-Wafa Residential Complex project for housing the families of the martyrs of the Abbas (peace be upon him) fighting squad, which was implemented by the Engineering Maintenance Department at the Holy Shrine.
The opening was attended by the governor of Karbala, the Secretary-General of the al-Abbas's (p) Holy Shrine, his deputy and his assistant, and a number of its board members and heads of departments, as well as a number of officials of the Abbas (peace be upon him) fighting squad.
The project, located in the holy city of Karbala - the neighborhood of Mulhaq Fares- was implemented in the service of the families of the martyrs, and was built on an area of ​​(2,500) square meters, and included the construction of eight residential homes with an area of ​​(200) square meters per house.
It is worth noting that this housing project is only the response of a small part of the great sacrifices made by the heroic martyrs of this noble country, and in support of their families who sacrificed their best to defend Iraq, its people and its sanctities.
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