With Night Work: The Engineering Maintenance Department at the al-Abbas's (p) Holy Shrine completes the First Section of the Hayat Lobby in Al-Muthanna Governorate.

The staffs of the Engineering Maintenance Department at the al-Abbas's (P) Holy Shrine, working on the sixth lobby building project for treating people with corona epidemic in Al-Muthanna Governorate, continue their work, as the staff completed the the first section of the project area.
On these works, engineer Safaa Mohamed Ali, one of the project supervisors, indicated to the al-Kafeel Network, saying: “After the project designs were approved by the beneficiary, we finished last night the works of pouring the first section of the project area with concrete reinforced with (BRC) ".
He added: "Work is now underway to prepare the remaining sections. Noting that this was preceded by ground preparations work including isolating the ground from the concrete with nylon to prevent the spread of moisture."
Noting: "There are other works that go in parallel with it, which is cutting and preparing the iron structure of the building, so that the project can proceed directly without delay and according to the schedule."
It is noteworthy that this project implemented for the Muthanna Health Department within the Hussein (peace be upon him) Teaching Hospital.
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