Resuming the work of adding new spaces to serve visitors in the vicinity of the al-Abbas's (p) Holy Shrine

The engineering staff of the al-Abbas's (p) holy shrine resumed the work of adding new spaces to serve visitors, in the vicinity of the holy shrine of the Master Aba al-Fadl al-Abbas (peace be upon him).

Works are being carried out at the present time from the side of the Euphrates gate, as far as the gate of Imam Ali (peace be upon him).

The work of this project comes in order to increase the absorptive capacity of the crowds of faithful visitors, especially during the days of the major Ziyarat that witness severe crowding.

These works fall within the strategic plan that the Holy Shrine seeks to achieve in order to serve the visitors, which includes consolidating and adding many services.

It is worth noting that the engineering staff at the al-Abbas's (p) holy shrine had completed several stages in this project, and works are in full swing to complete the rest.
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