In order to provide community-based medical services at any time and under any circumstance, the al-Ameed University of the al-Abbas's (p) Holy Shrine has started to organize voluntary counseling medical clinics by professors of the Faculty of Medicine in it, to provide medical consultations during this period due to the curfew imposed on citizens. As well as the College of Nursing that its teachers volunteered to provide therapeutic counseling service in addition to the College of Dentistry and the College of Pharmacy.
The President of the University, Professor Dr. Moayad Al-Ghazali, "in compliance with the recommendations and directives of the Supreme Religious Authority on social solidarity during these conditions, which made it difficult for citizens to reach clinics and hospitals. A number of physicians and professors specialized in the College of Medicine, the College of Dentistry, the College of Nursing and the College of Pharmacy at the al-Ameed University and in various other specializations volunteered to providing medical and therapeutic consulting services via the WhatsApp application by sending a text or voice message to the specialist doctor via phone numbers and have a response from them as quickly as possible.
Noting: "The terms of reference and phone numbers that can be communicated through the university's official website as well as social networking sites have been announced."