The Two Secretariat-Generals of the Imam Hussein & El-Abbas holy shrines hold the 1st Cultural Week in Khuzsistan

Inauguration ceremony
The Two Secretariat-Generals of the Imam Hussein & El-Abbas holy shrines held the 1st Cultural Week in Khuzistan on May 4, 2013. The festival attended by many figures, and inaugurated with reciting some verses of Noble Quran.

The Friday preacher of Khozistan’s speech delivered on behalf of him by the head of the International Media Organization Shaikh Mohammed Hussein Balak in which he welcomed the two holy shrines foundations.

The Two Secretaries-General of the Imam Hussein and El-Abbas holy shrines delivered their speeches in which they mentioned the hard times people went through during the x-regime of Sadam. They also emphasized the necessity of holding such festivals in order to spread education and culture
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