Modern medical techniques for treating diabetic foot in Al Kafeel Specialized Hospital

The administration of the Al-Kafeel Super Speciality Hospital of the al-Abbas's (p) holy shrine has put within its plan is to keep abreast of all that is happening at the level of development in the medical and therapeutic field, and has made great strides in this field, most of which have been successful, such as the use of Dermacyn and Microcyn, one of the latest treatments for diabetic foot, bed ulcers, wounds, burns and ulcers in diabetics, clinical and surgical ulcers and varicose ulcers.

This treatment has proved safe and effective, and through which many cases of amputation or parts have been prevented. As the amputation does not end the problem, but goes along with a high mortality rate and a very high rate of amputation of the other part, which was exceeded by this new treatment.

Dr. Ahmad Ni'mah, a fracture and joint surgery specialist at the hospital, said: "This treatment is one of the latest treatments for such cases. And the hospital is considered one of its official agents. The hospital has received hundreds of cases and we have been able to prevent cases of amputation and elimination of gangrene, ulcers, burns, Post-surgical operations' wounds and we have achieved good results in this area. "

"In addition to the treatment, the hospital has two therapists with experience in dealing with this substance and the cases that are being treated, and we can say with pride that there is no longer any thing called amputation for diabetics' foot."

"The hospital worked to provide this technology and give the patient the necessary training to use it, then he can benefit from it at home and monitor the situation by communicating with the doctor and the specialized nurse, in order to clean the wound as well as remove the damaged tissue surrounding it, through continuous monitoring by a special physician’s circle, starting with a consultant of internal medicine for organizing diabetes and vascular and arteriologists if the patient has problems with blood vessels, and then with an orthopedist, fractures and diabetic foot clinic for follow-up and treatment."

It is worth mentioning that the al-Kafeel Specialist Hospital of the al-Abbas's (p) Holy Shrine has performed hundreds of surgical operations since its establishment in various medical specialities. Most of them were successful, thanks to two factors: The Iraqi and foreign medical teams and the modernity of its medical devices. These two factors were crowned by the blessings of Aba al-Fadl al-Abbas (peace be upon him) to achieve a high success rate.
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