Modern techniques used by the Ophthalmology Center at Al Kafeel Hospital for quality procedures.

The Ophthalmology Center at the Kafeel Specialized Hospital in Karbala possesses modern medical techniques that have made it one of the most important specialized centers in the country, which in turn contributed to the success of surgeries because it depends on the accurate results of the examinations.
Dr. Hussein Tufayli, an ophthalmologist at the hospital, said: “The Ophthalmology Center at Al Kafeel Hospital is one of the largest specialized centers, because of its highly efficient techniques and a specialized team trained to work on the latest technologies.”
Dr. Tufayli explained: "The funds camera type vx_20 is one of the ophthalmic techniques that are used to examine the fundus, and it is in several forms:
- Color image: showing yellow impurity and optic nerve.
- The picture is not green: in it the bleeding appears more clearly.
- Auto floracine: shows the efficiency of the retinal pigment cells.
He added: "There is another picture of this technique in which the dye (floracine) (FFA) is used to give information about the blood circulation inside the eye (veins and arteries in the retina), and information about diseases affecting the retina and the optic nerve that is done by injecting the substance (floracine) into the patient's arm where the dye passes into the blood vessels in the retina in a moment, and through it, this dye is photographed by the device’s camera. ”
Al-Tufayli explained: "This technique works to diagnose diseases (swelling of the visual center, leakage of fluids, formation of abnormal blood vessels, determination of places of atrophy of the visual center, changes in the retina (bleeding or exudation) resulting from diabetes, insufficiency of the blood circulation of the retina)."
On the other part, Sajjad Al-Masoudi, an optometrist, stated: "One of the devices that distinguishes the ophthalmic center in the hospital is the visual field examination device (Visul Feild), which is used to examine the central and peripheral visual field, and it works to diagnose diseases (blue disease, optic nerve diseases, diseases Nervous system, hereditary retinal diseases).
On a related level, Ashwaq Abdel-Hussein (an optical examiner) at the Ophthalmology Center at Al-Kafeel Hospital said: "There is a technology (spacular microscope) through which the corneal diseases are diagnosed by determining (the number of corneal cells, the shape of the corneal cells, the percentage of corneal cell density ), and which depends on the endothelum layer."
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