The al-Abbas's (p) Residential Complex, the first residential project to be built with these specifications.

On the afternoon of Tuesday (8th Dhu al-Qi'dah 1438 AH) corresponding to (August 1, 2017), the opening ceremony of the Al-Abbas (peace be upon him) residential complex for the employees of the al-Abbas's (p) Holy Shrine was held, in the presence of the Senior Official of the Holy Shrine, His Eminence Sayed Ahmad Al-Safi, its Secretary-General and his deputy, and a number of its board members and heads of departments, in addition to a wide presence of personalities and delegations representing many parties, and media coverage, in addition to a large group of beneficiaries of the residential complex units.

The al-Abbas (peace be upon him) housing complex for the employees of the al-Abbas's (p) holy shrine is one of the edifices of Karbala Governorate, as it is the first residential project in which these specifications are carried out with Iraqi hands, starting from the idea, design and implementation without using companies from outside the country, and the most important specifications of the project in numbers are:

1- The total area of ​​the project is (305,000) square meters.

2- The actual built area is (171,575) square meters.

3- The number of housing units is (831) units, and the total unit area is (200) square meters, and the actual built area is (130) square meters, which contains: A- Two bedrooms / B- Kitchen / C- Reception / D- Distributor / E- 2 Bathrooms / F-Roof room / G-corridor surrounds the residential unit in the form of (L) / H-garden and garage, all of which are equipped with all its requirements.

4- The housing units were distributed in a comfortable installment to their beneficiaries - the employees of the al-Abbas's (p) Holy Shrine - and the installments are deducted from their salaries.

5- A kindergarten with an area of ​​750 square meters, with 8 halls.

6- A primary school with an area of ​​800 square meters, with 18 classrooms.

7- A middle school with an area of ​​925 m 2 with 26 classrooms.

8- The number of workers in the project reached 1200.

9 - An indoor pool with an area of ​​800 square meters.

10- Main and sub roads, the Main one having a width of 30 meters and the subroad has 10 meters width, in addition to a one meter wide pavement.

11- 18 commercial shops with a total area of ​​980 m 2.

13 - Installing (720) electric iron columns made of galvanized iron.

14- Extending and wiring the high pressure cables at the top of each column by (15 km), in addition to the low pressure cables and the reserve (generator) lines through which the complex and its facilities will be fed.

15- The number of electrical transformers is (33) transformers, with a capacity of (400) KVA.

16- An integrated network for sanitation and rain water, using pipes of different diameters and lengths, and materials suitable for the size of the project.

17- Water Desalination System (RO) to feed the project with water.

18- The project was provided with four spare generators with a capacity of (250 KVA).

19- Surrounding the project with a beautifully designed fence marked with the Holy Shrine's logo of 2,800 meters in length and a main gate.
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