At the age of 8 years old, his hearing recovers at the al-Kafeel Specialized Hospital.

A medical team specializing in otolaryngology at the Kafeel Specialized Hospital in Karbala announced its success in treating an eight-year-old child with hearing loss with shortness of breath and constant snoring during the hours of the day and night and could not sleep.
The hospital's doctor, Dr. Adel Al-Masoudi, said in a press interview that a medical team led by him had succeeded in treating the eight-year-old.
And Al-Masoudi said: "The child’s condition after performing the tests reveals to us the presence of fleshy appendages that extend from the nose to the mouth, causing a blockage in the opening in the upper roof of the mouth (Ostaki canal) as a result of pressure on it with the accumulation of mucous fluids inside the middle ear."
He explained: "Such cases are difficult to deal with by using simple materials in the operating theaters, but thanks to the techniques provided by Al-Kafeel Hospital, we were able to enter the nose and eradicate the fleshy appendages."
Al-Masoudi added, "The gum liquids were withdrawn and valves were implanted inside the drum, which will be removed within a short period of time."
Stressing: "The patient has regained his normal state with good hearing and normal breathing after a few hours of the operation."
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