German Embassy has taken part at the inauguration of Alkafeel Publishing and Distribution House of the El-Abbas holy shrine on Saturday June 15, 2013. Dr. Klaws Hat Mir, the manager of the economic office of the German Embassy in Baghdad delivered a stately speech in which he extended his thankfulness for being invited. He mentioned that his first visit to Kerbala Province was in 1985, and he visited Kerbala and Nejaf Provinces three times a year ago. He also mentioned that he noticed a great development in Kerbala Province which is worth mentioning.
He said further, “I have participated in the Ninth International Cultural Martyrdom Spring Festival, and once I heard of the El-Abbas holy shrine importing a German Printing Press, I have attended today to express my gratitude for using the best printing press the world over as it is in Al-Warith Publishing and Distribution House. Our personnel at the embassy have worked hard to facilitate bureaucracy in order to send Iraqi engineers to Germany for training.”
He mentioned that the printing presses in Europe have a great history when it approximately started in 1450 when Johannes Gutenberg invented printing books manually, and the first Arabic book printed in Italy was the Noble Quran in 1500.
He raised a very significant question which was, “If books are not printed in Kerbala Province, where should they be printed?” And Islam had a very important role in culture, education and teaching, and Muslims should continue learning until passed away based on the many verses on Noble Quran and quote by Prophet Mohammed (peace be upon him & his pure family) and the other infallible Imams while Kerbala Province is known for being the center of knowledge.