A saying says, “Egypt writes, Lebanon publishes & Iraq reads” is said by whom are unaware of those countries

Mr. El-Seffar

At the inauguration of Alkafeel Publishing and Distribution House, the researcher Ali El-Seffar, clarified the common saying says, “Egypt writes, Lebanon publishes & Iraq reads” is said by whom are unaware of those countries, and the proof available is that printing presses had been imported into Lebanon in 1610, into Egypt in 1798, into Iraq in 1816 and into Yemen in 1877 and probably before that time.

He also mentioned that whoever might say that Johannes Gutenberg had invented the printing press would certainly be mistaken because Iraqi had already invented the printing press before 7000 years when they made flat stamps which was the first initiative towards printing press.

He also said that printing press was practiced by the Sumerians, Babylonians and Akkadians, and then by Ibla in Syria, and that great invention was developed in 3500 B.C.
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