The al-Abbas's (p) Holy Shrine, in cooperation with the Foundation of Political Prisoners, celebrates the hero Firas al-Najjar.

The General Secretariat of the al-Abbas's (p) Holy Shrine, in cooperation with the Foundation of Political Prisoners, celebrated the hero (Firas Salem Jalil al-Najjar), the son of the martyr Salem Jalil al-Najjar, and his martyr mother who were victims of the Baathists' crimes who were lost after their martyrdom. After forty years, Mr. Firas reunited with his family, who were exposed Injustice, persecution and tragedy in that era.
The celebration was held this morning (25 Rabi Al-Awal 1442 AH) corresponding to (November 12, 2020) at the hall of Imam Al-Hassan (peace be upon him) at the al-Abbas's (p) holy shrine, in the presence of a number of members of the Board of Directors of the Holy Shrine, the head of the Foundation of Political Prisoners, the family of Mr. Firas, and a group of invitees .
After reciting verses from the Holy Quran and reciting Surat Al-Fatiha in tribute to the souls of the martyrs of Iraq and listening to the national anthem and the hymn of the Holy Shrine (The Melody of Pride), there was a speech of the General Secretariat of the al-Abbas's (p) Holy Shrine, delivered by a member of its board of directors, Prof. Dr. Abbas Rashid Al-Mousawi, in which he conveyed the greetings of the Senior Officer of the Holy Shrine, His Eminence Sayed. Ahmad Al-Safi to the attendees and stated that the lifetime of falsehood is short, even if it lasts for long, and the day of the oppressor is near even if it is late.
After that the President of the Foundation of Political Prisoners, Mr. Hussein Khalil Al-Sultani, gave a speech in which he thanked the al-Abbas's (p) holy shrine for sponsoring this celebration, and to everyone who contributed to its establishment. Then he welcomed the attendees, and stated: “We congratulate brother Firas for his gracious return. And we ask God to have mercy on the martyrs of this family." Adding: "The celebration is an expression joy for Firas and his sacrificing family, and it is also a tribute to their sacrifices and their positions. The story of Firas and his two brothers, Mr. Ahmed and Mr. Haidar, is a very important and it is necessary for him to receive special attention from all cultural and media institutions and human rights organizations, as his story summarizes a tragedy and a violation of the rights of an entire people from the brutality committed by the Saddam regime."
After that, one of the victims of the former regime, Mrs. Souria Hussein, spoke about what she was subjected to and what she endured during her imprisonment and torture during that period, telling stories of what she witnessed with her own eyes in that dark era.
After that, a documentary film was shown that embodied the story of Firas al-Najjar until his meeting with his brother after an absence of forty years.
His family also had a speech that his uncle gave about them, through which he extended his thanks and appreciation to the al-Abbas’s (p) Holy Shrine and the Political Prisoners ’Foundation for this celebration. And he also reviewed what this family was subjected to during that dark period, which must be highlighted, to become a local, regional, and even global issue, to show the world who the Baathists are and what their crimes are.
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