Acquiring real estate around the El-Abbas holy shrine still ongoing

one of the acquired real estate

Within the expansion project of the area around the E-Abbas holy shrine, and in order to expand the area for worshiping attaching to the El-Abbas holy shrine, the Real Estate Acquiring Committee of the El-Abbas holy shrine still acquiring the properties around the holy shrine legally and considerately.

The project is being accomplished based on the directions of the Islamic Supreme Religious Authority. Mr. Kadhim 'Ebadeh, a member of the Real Estate Acquiring Committee said to the Alkafeel Global Network that the committee composed of 6 persons specialists in evaluating real estate. The committee buys the buildings, shops, and stores considerately, and then submit them to another committee which is specialized in order to make an inventory and knock down buildings, in addition to some other constructional issues.

For more information about the project, it is being processed based on the law of numbered 315 legislated in 2009. Also, the owner would be exempted from taxes.
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