More than 80,000 dissertations and theses: entered by the al-Abbas's (p) Holy Shrine in the Iraqi Digital Repository.

The Iraqi Digital Repository of University Dissertations and Theses is one of the important and ambitious projects adopted by the Digital Information Center in the Library and Manuscripts House of the al-Abbas's (p) Holy Shrine affiliated to the Department of Intellectual and Cultural Affairs in it.

It was launched in order to keep pace with the development in the level of providing office and information services as a non-profit service website.

It was designed, programmed and managed depending on the expertise of the scientific and technical staff in the al-Abbas's (p) holy shrine, according to an extensive study prepared with the aim of collecting and arranging Iraqi University dissertations and thesis since the establishment of higher studies in Iraq in one website, to represent the civilized facade of the Iraqi intellectual production, while empowering the teaching bodies and the students in Iraq to benefit from the website’s services.

The director of the mentioned center, Mr. Ammar Al-Jawad, explained to the Al-Kafeel network, and added: “The repository provides a range of services, the most important of which are:

Archiving university theses in a way that ensures easy retrieval of information.

The possibility to search in the indexes of university dissertations and theses while allowing access to a specific part of their content, in addition to browsing the abstract and resources.

The possibility to remotely deposit a thesis.

The possibility to conduct advanced research in the contents of a university thesis, in addition to quick searches in the title, author or topic."

He explained: “The repository consists of several service interfaces, the main of which are devoted to search services for the dissertations and thesis which titles have been deposited in it, the number of which exceeds (84,000) between a thesis and a dissertation that is constantly updated, as the repository provides the possibility to search through several entries such as (title - Author's name - the supervisor's name - the general topic - the subspecialty - the scientific department or college). It is also possible to review the indexes of each university according to the year of the thesis' issuance or its academic degree."

Al-Jawad asserted: “The digital repository is a permanent record of the intellectual, scientific and cultural life of educational institutions, as it represents one of the scientific facades of the country through which the importance of educational institutions and their activities is highlighted. It also provides modern, advanced services to the Iraqi universities participating in it, their teaching bodies and their students, in addition to preparing long-term storage facilities for university dissertations and thesis, using modern technologies that reach a safe storage period of no less than (50) years."

He concluded: “The site has been programmed to be programmatically compatible with international search engines, to ensure that the information deposited in the repository is retrieved when searching for it. We are now working on the second phase after the trial version achieved great success and popularity in the scientific and academic circles. This second phase will have advanced specifications and characteristics."

To view the repository's website, please click here
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