EL-Abass holy shrine has announced the second book-writing competition about the life of Am'am EL-Hassan El-Mujtaba (P.B.U.H)
EL-Abass holy shrine has announced the second book-writing competition about the life of Am'am EL-Hassan El-Mujtaba (P.B.U.H) and there will be an award for the first three winners
Mr. Aqeel El-Yasssiry -deputy head of the department of intellectual and cultural of the El-Abass holy shrine- said to El-kafeel network about the admission requirements of the competition
1.The book should not be writing or published before as a whole or as parts.
2.the textual material of the book have to be authentically chosen.
3.The writing style must be provocative to other religions.
4.The book must be lied out according scientific standerds.
5.The writer must submit his C.V and his contact phone number.
6. The book must not be less than 200 A4 pages and not more than 300 A4 pages font size 14
7.The reward valued each 8.000.000(eight millions Iraqi Dinar)
8. The book must be handed over to the Department Of Intellectual And Cultural Affair/Media Division/Study Unit or to (info@alkafeel.net) receiving books will be on Aug 8, 2013.
9.The deadline of receiving books will be on May 1, 2013.
10. The first three winners will be announced at the Imam El-Hasan El-Mujteba's birthday sixths annual festival held in Babylon on Jul 14, 2013.
11.The El-Abbas holy shrine will keep the books without returning them to the writes.
12. if the competition doesn't reach the standard level , all the prizes will be cancelled.
13. The El-Abass holy shire has to right published the books.
14. For more information content : 07717047661.