Replacing the red baanner of the El-Abbas Holy Shrine with a black one representing sorrrow

Husseinian shouts
Monday Nov 4, 2013. The red banners of the Imam Hussein and El-Abbas Holy Shrines have been replaced with black ones representing sorrow of the tragedy of Imam Hussein (PBUH). tens of thousands of the adorers of Ahlulbait (PBUT) attended the Imam Hussein and El-Abbas Holy Shrines.

Sheikh Abuld Mehdi El-Kerbala’i, the Secretary-General of the Imam Hussein Holy Shrine and Sayed Ahmed Es-Safi, the Secretary-General of the El-Abbas Holy Shrine delivered a speech in which they mentioned the merits of mourning the tragedy and the death of Imam Hussein (PBUH). They also mentioned that such rites to perform annually is to confirm our allegiance to Imam Hussein and Ahlulbait (PBUT).

Sayed Ahmed Es-Safi, called all the families for bringing up their kids on the loving the Husseinian rites and teach them what they are.
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