Al-Kafeel Paramedic and Training Academy concludes a course in Tactical Care

The Al-Kafeel Academy of Paramedic and Medical Training of the Department of Development and Sustainable Development concluded its fifty-seventh session in paramedics through the Tactical Trauma Care Program (TCCC).
A group of staff from the two departments of order and Square between the Two Holy Shrines participated in this course, to contribute to the development and advancement of their skills and how to deal with critical injury cases.
The course lasted for five days, with an average of (10) training hours per day, during which the trainees received training in several axes, the most important of which were (severe bleeding, airway, blood circulation, head and eye injuries, medical evacuation).
This course comes in order to spread the culture of rescue among the employees of the al-Abbas's (p) Holy Shrine, and to enable them to provide first aid to the cases they face.
It is noteworthy that the Department of Development and Sustainable Development at the al-Abbas's (p) Holy Shrine continues to organize workshops and scientific courses aimed at developing the capabilities of the Holy Shrine's staff in various fields and specializations.
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