The al-Abbas's (p) Holy Shrine concludes its annual council to commemorate the death anniversary of Lady Zaynab (peace be upon her)

The Hussayni Speech Division at the al-Abbas's (p) Holy Shrine concluded on Friday evening (16 Rajab 1443 AH) corresponding to (18 February 2022) the annual mourning council to commemorate the death anniversary of Jabal al-Sabr [Mount of Patience]; Lady Zaynab (peace be upon her).
The council, which was held in the shrine of Aba al-Fadl al-Abbas (peace be upon him), starting on Wednesday (Rajab 14 1443 AH) corresponding to February 16, 2022, lasted for three days, with two morning and evening lectures.
It is held annually within the preaching project of Umm al-Baneen (peace be upon her), which is related to the commemoration and remembrance of the occasions of the Imams of Ahl al-Bayt (peace be upon them), including this sad occasion, which is the anniversary of the departure of the Lady of Patience Zaynab daughter of Imam Ali (peace be upon them).
Sheikh Maytham al-Khafaji gave a the morning lecture, and Sheikh Imad al-Nasiri gave the evening lecture after the evening prayers, followed by the (Latm) assembly, held by Radood Muhammad Mo'tamedi.
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