For nine years.. Al-Kafeel House for Printing and Publishing is a milestone in the Iraqi industry

On this day (5th of Sha’ban of the year (1434 AH / 2013), the al-Abbas's (p) Holy Shrine inaugurated one of its most important cultural projects, which is Dar al-Kafeel for printing, publishing and distribution.
The opening of the house at that time came as part of the activities of the 9th World Cultural Spring of Martyrdom Festival, coinciding with the birth of Imam as-Sajjad (peace be upon him), amid a large official and cultural presence in the building of the house located in the Ibrahimiya area on the (Babylon - Karbala) road.
A group of specialized Iraqi national cadres work in the house, who participated in many courses abroad. The house is also the first printing house to obtain an official business management after the fall of the regime in 2003, in addition to obtaining four agencies for office paper, offset and others.
The house’s production lines have varied in the manufacture of notebooks, making an achievement that is considered the first of its kind in Iraq, as it is an integrated line starting with the (reel) of raw paper and then underlining, cutting, assembling and counting, passing through the cover, stapling, folding and finishing (cutting the sides).
The house was the best supporter of the educational process in Iraq, by printing millions of copies annually of textbooks for the benefit of the Iraqi Ministry of Education.
The house has achieved self-sufficiency with regard to the needs of the al-Abbas's (p) Holy Shrine of publications and paper supplies, and the house has a major role in printing books of high quality.
The house was and still is one of the active, productive and pioneering institutions in the label launched by the al-Abbas's (p) holy shrine (proudly made in Iraq).
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