The Cataloging and Information Systems Center organizes a course for the library staff of the Iraqi Parliament in accordance with MARC 21 standard and RDA rules

The Center for Cataloging and Information Systems of the Department of Intellectual and Cultural Affairs at the al-Abbas's (p) holy shrine organized a course on modern cataloging systems in accordance with the MARC 21 standard and RDA rules for a number of the Iraqi Parliament's library staff.
Mr. Hassanein al-Moussawi, director of the mentioned center affiliated with the al-Abbas's Holy Shrine Library and Manuscripts House, told Al-Kafeel Network: "The course came at the request of the library of the Iraqi Parliament of the al-Abbas's (p) Holy Shrine, and after obtaining approval, we proceeded to give its ten-day program."
He added, "Our center is at the forefront of specialized centers in Iraq that work on indexing and information systems by applying the approved international rules (RDA rules), called the description and availability of sources, as well as working on the implementation of the MARC 21 standard since 2011."
He continued, "Therefore, the staff working in the center has the necessary experience to train on these systems, which are considered one of the latest systems in the world of libraries, and these systems have proven their superior effectiveness in organizing huge amounts of data specifications, and great effectiveness in bibliographic and authority control and supporting all office operations, meeting the needs of both the library and the user."
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