The conclusion of the research sessions of the Forum for Documenting Extremism Crimes in Iraq

This Tuesday afternoon, the fourth and final research session of the first specialized forum (Documenting Extremism Crimes in Iraq: Its Methods, Mechanisms, Challenges), was held.
The closing session, which was held in Imam Hassan Hall (peace be upon him) at the al-Abbas's (p) holy shrine, was chaired by Prof. Dr. Mohammad Kadhem Kamer from Imam al-Kadhem College (peace be upon him), and the researches presented were as follows:
- (Documenting and cataloging the crimes of extremism, challenges, standards, strategies and environmental terrorism as a model), presented by Professor Obaid al-Hadi Ma'touk al-Hatim.
- (Popular Memory and its Role in Documenting Extremist Crimes), presented by Dr. Raed Obeis from the Iraqi Center for Documentation of Extremist Crimes.
- (Documenting Anfal and Genocide Crimes to Prevent Their Repetition), presented by Prof. Dr. Houns Amin Hassan, Assistant President of Jeramo University for Administrative Affairs.

It should be noted that the forum is organized by the Iraqi Center for Documenting Extremist Crimes of the Department of Intellectual and Cultural Affairs at the al-Abbas's (p) holy shrine, in cooperation with the Mulla Kabeer Research Center / Koya University.
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