448.698 meals provided by the host restaurant of the al-Abbas's (p) holy shrine during Ashura

The Host Restaurant Department of the al-Abbas's (p) Holy Shrine announced that it has provided (448.698) meals for the visitors during the Ziyarat Ashura, starting from the first to the thirteenth of Muharram, when the burial of the holy bodies of Imam al-Hussayn, his family and companions (peace be upon them) was commemorated.

The head of the department, Engineer Adel Al-Hamami, stated to al-Kafeel Network: “The preparation to be honored to serve the visitors began before the advent of the month of Muharram, and from the first day we began distributing meals at a rate of three meals a day (breakfast, lunch and dinner), according to a cooking and distribution schedule prepared for this purpose, in addition to small meals that include the distribution of 7000 tons of fruits, 9370 pieces of pastries, with the continued distribution of cold water around the clock reaching 420.000 cups."

He explained that: "The service took an ascending trend since the first day, reaching the peak days after the eighth of Muharram. And on the tenth, the service was doubled as most Karbalai service processions were busy with the Hussayni mourning rituals. This service continued to feed the mourners commemorating the burial of Imam al-Hussayn, his family and companions (peace be upon them) on the thirteenth of Muharram, which witnessed the participation of the processions of many tribes from inside and outside the province of Karbala."

Al-Hamami explained that "the distribution was done through two important outlets: the first at the entrance of the Baghdad gate leading to the holy city of Karbala, and the other at the entrance of the Qibla Gate Street to the shrine of Aba al-Fadl al-Abbas (peace be upon him), as these two areas are areas that witness heavy traffic for visitors and processions".

He pointed out that "the distribution was with single-use dishes, with regular queues for men and women, and meals that suit the visitor's taste these days, starting from breakfast through lunch, and ending with dinner, which was in form of fast food".

And he indicated that: "Our services were not limited to this aspect only, but we also participated and contributed with the owners of the service processions by providing some of the materials they needed, as well as a (refrigerator vehicle) was provided to distribute cold water allocated to the participants in the mourning ritual of Twayreej run, where we distributed thousands of glasses of cold water supplied to us by the al-Abbas's (p) holy shrine plant for the production of water."

It is noteworthy that the activities carried out by the departments of the al-Abbas's (p) holy shrine during the holy month of Muharram have been numerous, in order to provide the best services to visitors, bearing the slogan: (Serving visitors is an honor for us).
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