The Department between the Two Holy Shrines: We produced about (3) million liters of water during the Ziyarat Arba'een

The Department between the Two Holy Shrines at the Al-Abbas's (p) holy shrine announced the production of about (3) million liters of water during the days of the Ziyarat Arba'een.

The head of the Department; Sayed Nafi' al-Mousawi, said: the desalination systems of our department produce twenty thousand liters of water per hour, and the production during twelve continuous days reached more than (2) million and(800,000) liters of filtered water (RO).

A part of the water is cooled by four special cooling systems.

Al-Mousawi added that " the stations contain two systems, which water product is stored in four tanks, one of which has a capacity of (16,000) liters."
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