The staffs of the Department between the Two Holy Shrines at the Al-Abbas's (p) holy shrine continued their exceptional efforts in cleaning the Old City, after the end of the Ziyarat Arba'een in Karbala.
The assistant head of the Department, Mr. Hamad Shaker Hashim, said:"since the start of the Blessed Ziyarat to this moment, our service staff continues its efforts to clean the streets surrounding the Al-Abbas's (p) holy shrine, and the general areas of the Old City in Karbala".
The Department between the Two Holy Shrines started an extensive cleaning campaign immediately after the end of the Ziyarat Arba'een, according to the assistant to the head of the department, adding, "the cleaning campaign included areas (Baghdad gate, Hawra Zainab Street, Al-Alqami Street, Jannat al-Hussein Street, Mughtasal qadeem Street, the area between the Two Holy Shrines, the street of the imams of Al-Baqi)".
"To date, we have removed almost (90/100) tons of waste, with the support of volunteer brothers and in cooperation with the Directorate of the Karbala municipality," Hashem continued.