The Department of Religious Affairs organizes a celebration to crown a group of girls who have reached the age of religious duty

The Department of Religious Affairs at the Al-Abbas's (p) holy shrine organized a forum for the coronation of a group of girls who have reached the age in which they should start performing their religious duties, in Dhi Qar governorate, in cooperation with the Zahra (peace be upon her) Cultural Center in the governorate.

The official of the Guidance and Support Division in the Department said that "the coronation ceremony held at the Qamar Bani Hashim mosque (peace be upon him) was an invitation for parents to cling and adhere to the principles of Islamic awareness and culture more than ever, as they have a great responsibility to urge their daughters to adhere to chastity and the correct hijab, and this station should be the starting point for an important age stage in the girl's life in terms of Sharia duties".

He added that "the Ahl al-Bayt school (peace be upon them) contained solid foundations for building the Muslim community and family, including to adhere to the religious hijab, which is pure pride and dignity in this world and the hereafter, as well as performing daily religious duties".

The ceremony concluded with Dua al-Faraj of our Master al-Hujjah Ibn al-Hassan (may Allah Almighty hasten his Holy reappearance), and the distribution of a set of gifts to the participants.
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