The registration department at Al-Kafeel University in Najaf, affiliated to the Al-Abbas's (p) holy shrine, offers great facilities for the student applying to study at the University.
Dr. Jalawi Sultan, a member of the Central Registration Committee and professor at the Faculty of Medicine at the University, said, "registration this year included three stages, the first is the registration of the student's account, and this stage lasted for a month (from 1st to 30th) October," adding, "the second stage is applying to the faculties of the University, which provides the student the right to choose four faculties to be accredited by one faculty according to the student's average marks," indicating that "the third and final stage is the stage of student registration in the faculty for which he was chosen."
Sultan stressed that registration services are provided at the university free of charge, along with all clarifications and details related to studying at Al-Kafeel University.