Celebrating the day of Arabic language, the Al-Ameed Scientific and Intellectual Association holds a scientific seminar

The Al-Ameed Scientific and Intellectual Association held a scientific seminar under the auspices of the Al-Abbas's (P) holy shrine to celebrate the International Day of the Arabic language.

The seminar included a session to discuss research papers chaired by Prof. Dr. Sarhan Jaffat Salman and contained a number of research, namely: The concomitant of preserving the Quran and preserving the Arabic language delivered by Prof. Dr. Saleh al-Shammari, risks threatening the integrity of the Arabic language by Prof. Dr. Abdul-Kadhem Mohsen al-Yasiri, the Arabic language is a master of languages -a claim or a reality reinforced by evidence- Professor Dr. Essam Kadhem al-Ghalbi, the verb in Arabic and its relationship to the cosmic system, a study in the philosophy of the linguistic system by Professor Dr. Ali Jassib Abdullah, the Arabic of the Holy Quran, the characteristics of the Arabic language and its advantages over other languages by teacher Dr. Moayed Abdel Moneim al-Shmeisawi, and the levels of linguistic I'jaz (inimitability) in the Holy Quran by Professor Dr. Majid Najarian.
The celebration of the International Day of the Arabic language also includes a poetry evening in which a number of poets deliver poems about the language of the Holy Quran.
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