In the tenth of the month of Ramadan, the sorrows of the prophet (prayers and Allah's peace be upon him and his holy household) are renewed..

The month of Ramadan includes a lot of events which have signed the Islamic history, some of joy and happiness and others of grief and sorrow, like the tragedy that coincided with the disaster of death of the beloved uncle of the Prophet (prayers and Allah's peace be upon him and his holy household) Abu Talib (peace be upon him), that happened on the 10th of month of Ramadan in the 10th year of the Bi'thah (prophetic mission), the death of the great saint Khadija (peace be upon her), who is the best, the most respectable, the most beloved and the most virtuous of the wives of the Prophet (prayers and Allah's peace be upon him and his holy household), the mother of the infallible pure Fatima Az-Zahra (peace be upon her), and the grandmother of the eleven infallible Imams (peace be upon them).

Our saint Prophet (prayers and Allah's peace be upon him and his holy household) said about her (peace be upon her): "Islam did not rise except through Ali's sword and Khadija's wealth," because she spent all her money for the sake of the victory of Islam, and Muslims will remain always and forever owe to the sacrifices of this pure woman who formed with the Jihad of imam Ali Ibnu Abi Talib (peace be upon them) the most important powerful axes and thoughtful bases to spread the religion of Islam and make its flag flapping high up to this day.

Her death (peace be upon her) has a deep impact and was a great calamity that befell the Prophet (prayers and Allah's peace be upon him), he (prayers and Allah's peace be upon him and his holy household) was so saddened by the demise of saint Khadija and great Abu Taleb (peace be upon them) in the same year, three years before the Hijra, after the end of the siege on Banu Hashem, that he declared the year of their death as, "The Year of Sorrow" (Aa'm ul Hozn).
Saint Khadija (peace be upon her) was to the Messenger (prayers and Allah's peace be upon him and his holy household) a haven of tranquillity and peace, when he was hurt from the evils of the polytheists and aristocrats of Quraysh, she was his serenity, his comfort, his love and his compassion, she had always the wise opinion, in deed, she is the perfect example of the pious and virtuous woman. With the exception of Khadija (peace be upon her), the Apostle (prayers and Allah's peace be upon him and his holy household) married all other women for one or more of reasons. His marriage with Khadija was the only one which rested upon affection, love and friendship; and for him, it fulfilled all the aims of marriage. Our holy prophet (prayers and Allah's peace be upon him and his holy household) has said: "I have never been distressed during the life of Abu Taleb and Khadija."

Also among saint Khadija's merits was her being one of the four most perfect of all women of mankind, the other three being: Saint Fatima Az-Zahra daughter of Muhammad (prayers and Allah's peace be upon him and his holy household), Maryam bint `Umran (Mary daughter of Amram), mother of Christ (peace be upon him) and niece of prophet Zakariyya and Ishba (Elizabeth), and `Asiya daughter of Muzahim, wife of Pharaoh, (peace be upon them all).

Saint Khadija (peace be upon her) was the favourite slave of Allah, she was unique; she was incomparable, and she was a "special" in the sight of Allah Who sent His greetings and salutations to her through the Archangel Gabriel. As the Lord of Dignity ordered Gabriel (peace be upon him) to convey His regards to her. Gabriel (peace be upon him) said to Muhammad (prayers and Allah's peace be upon him and his holy household): "O Muhammad! Khadija is bringing you a bowl of food; when she comes to you, tell her that her Lord greets her, and convey my greeting, too, to her." When he (prayers and Allah's peace be upon him and his holy household) did so, she said: "Allah is the Peace, and He is the source of all peace, and upon Gabriel be peace." In fact the great Khadija (peace be upon her) died 24 years after her marriage with the prophet Muhammad (prayers and Allah's peace be upon him and his holy household), and she (peace be upon her) was buried at Hujun in the outskirts of Mecca. The Messenger of Allah (prayers and Allah's peace be upon him and his holy household) dug her grave and buried her.

The Prophet of Islam (prayers and Allah's peace be upon him and his holy household) used to talk about saint Khadija (peace be upon her) quite often after her demise, so much so that his wife, `Aisha daughter of Abu Bakr, felt extremely jealous and said to him, "... But she was only an old woman with red eyes, and Allah has compensated you with a better and younger wife (meaning herself)." This caused him (prayers and Allah's peace be upon him and his holy household) to be very indignant, and he said, "No, indeed; He has not compensated me with someone better than her. She believed in me when all others disbelieved; she held me truthful when others called me a liar; she sheltered me when others abandoned me; she comforted me when others shunned me; and Allah granted me children by her while depriving me of children by other women."

The following verses of Quran are addressed to those sincere and loving slaves of Allah who put His pleasure ahead of their own pleasure, and who seek His pleasure in selfless service to His Creation. The saint Khadija (peace be upon her) was one of the foremost of those slaves of Allah. (To the soul of the righteous will be said:)
"O thou soul, in (complete) rest and satisfaction! Come back thou to thy Lord, -well-pleased (thyself), and well-pleased unto Him! Enter thou, then, among My devotees! Yea, enter thou My heaven!" (Chapter 89, verses 27-30)

Peace on you, O the mother of the pure Imams. Peace be on you, O the mother of the believing men. Peace be on you, O the first of the believing women. Peace be on you, O the sincere lady among the devoted ones. Peace be on you, O the chief lady of the sacrosanct (haram). And the queen of Mecca. Peace be on you, O the first one to believe in the Apostle of Allah from among the women. Peace be on you, O the one who observed servitude as it ought to be observed, submitted herself and discharged her wealth in the service of the chief of the Prophets. Peace be on you, O the companion of the beloved of the Lord of the Heaven. The spouse of the epitome of the chosen ones.
O the daughter of Ibrahim, the friend (of Allah). Peace be on you, O the one to whom Gabriel used to salute and used to convey to her the salutations from Allah, the Majestic.
Peace be on you, O the protector of the religion of Allah. Peace be on you, O the helper of the Apostle of Allah. Peace be on you, O the one whose burial was arranged by the Apostle of Allah and he entrusted her to the Mercy of Allah. I bear witness that you are esteemed near Allah and the chosen one among His nation and that Allah has placed you in His Mercy in a place built of ruby and in the highest grades of Paradise
May Allah send salutations upon you and His Mercy and Blessings...
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