Students memorizing the Holy Quran commemorate the martyrdom anniversary of Imam al-Baqer (peace be upon him)

Students of memorization in the scientific complex of the Holy Quran affiliated to the Al-Abbas's (p) holy shrine, commemorated the martyrdom anniversary of Imam al-Baqer (peace be upon him) with a condolence Council.

The establishment of the council was supervised by the Holy Quran Institute in Najaf, which is part of the complex.

The official of the Quranic memorization and Guidance Unit at the institute; Sayed Kadhem al-Khaz'ali, said that"the council began with a recitation of the verses of the book of Allah, which was read by the student Mohammad Baqer Amjad, followed by an elegy on this sad occasion for the student Mohammad Redha Jaber."

"The council included a religious lecture delivered by Sheikh Hassan Shukr, during which he discussed aspects of the Blessed biography of the imam (peace be upon him), as well as a statement of his knowledge, jurisprudence and piety, and drawing lessons from his honorable life,"he added.

"The council comes as part of the Institute's plan to develop students and remember the occasions of Ahl al-Bayt(peace be upon them), because of its great impact on their souls, and to consolidate their religious identity and belonging to Ahl al-Bayt(peace be upon them),"al-Khaz'ali said.
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