In Nigeria.. The Department of Intellectual Affairs celebrates a number of girls reaching the age of Takleef

The Department of Intellectual and Cultural Affairs at the Al-Abbas's (p) holy shrine celebrated a group of girls reaching the "Takleef age" in the Nigerian state of Kaduna.

The director of the Center for African Studies of the Department, Sheikh Saad Sattar al-Shammari, said that " the Center held "Takleef age" ceremonies for dozens of girls from the Nigerian state of Kaduna, on the occasion of them reaching the age of Takleef to perform the religious duties and adhere to the hijab and Islamic teachings.

He added, "the center's preachers in the African country, Sheikh Shams al-Din Abdullah and Sheikh Ibrahim Musa, presented blessed gifts from the Al-Abbas's (P) Shrine to the girls participating in the ceremony," noting that "the banner of the dome of the Master Aba al-Fadl al-Abbas (peace be upon him) was raised at the ceremony.

Al-Shammari continued that"the Takleef Age ceremony was a reminder of the heroic role of Lady Zaynab (peace be upon her) in defending religion, preserving the Mohammadian principles, values and morals and adhering to the true hijab, because it represents the identity of Muslim women and girls should be inspired by lessons taught by Lady Fatima az-Zahra and her daughter Lady Zaynab (peace be upon them), in their lives to achieve success".

The director of the Center, Sheikh Shams al-Din, gave a lecture on the Islamic religion and the Fatimi hijab, where he explained that the authentic Mohammadian Islam came to raise the status and worth of women, put a prestigious place for them in society and grant them the rights that are unique to them from other civilizations and cultures".

For their part, the families of the participating girls thanked and appreciated the management of the Center for African Studies for the great efforts being exerted in Kaduna State to establish various programs, activities and events, and attention to various segments of Nigerian society.
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