The Institute of the Holy Quran that belongs to the Al-Abbas's (p) Holy Shrine holds its first competition in the memorization of the Holy Quran..

The Institute of the Holy Quran that belongs to the Department of Intellectual and Cultural Affairs at the Al-Abbas's (p) Holy Shrine held in the hall of Imam Al-Hassan (peace be upon him) at the holy shrine its first competition in the memorization of the Holy Quran.

The opening ceremony of the competition began with the recitation of verses from the Holy Book and the word of the General Secretariat of the Al-Abbas's (p) holy shrine delivered on behalf by the Deputy Secretary General; Engineer Basheer Mohammed Jassem, in which he stated: "The Holy Quran and the pure kindred (`itrah) are inseparable and cannot be dissociated, for this reason we hope that our dear professors as long as they are under the blessing of the Al-Abbas's (peace be upon him) to put on top of their concerns to teach the Holy Quran and its rules, from recitation to tajweed and memorization, and to highlight these concepts and ideas in the hearts of the future generation so they can walk on the path of Ahl Al-Bayt (peace be upon them). And, there is no model for the application of the concepts and principles of the Quran better than the Ahl Al-Bayt (peace be upon them) through their attributes and attitudes and everything related to their lives. Therefore, it is assumed that the student must learn these teachings to benefit from the Holy Quran, and as we all know that there are many among those who memorize the Quran, but the Quran curse them, who have fought against the Holy Prophet (prayers and Allah's peace be upon him and his holy Household) and against Imam Ali (peace be upon him), thus what matters is not in reading and memorizing the Quran, but in how to take advantage of it."

Then, came the intervention of the director of the Institute of the Holy Quran; Sheikh Jawad Al-Nasrawi, in which he explained: "This competition, which is dedicated especially tot the students of the Institute in Karbala and its subsidiaries, is held to honour the efforts of the students and to encourage others to memorize the Holy Quran, in fact this competition and those participating in it are only the fruits of the summer Quranic courses hosted by the Institute, since it wasn't limited to memorization lessons, but the students received also lessons and lectures of the jurisprudence and ethics of Ahl Al-Bayt (peace be upon them) through the "teacher's guide" that is authored by the Institute of the Holy Quran, to learn for each verse its real concept narrated by the Ahl Al-Bayt (peace be upon them). Our students in this summer vacation, who were nearly six thousand students, have learned many concepts for the application of the Hadith of the two weighs (At-Thaqalayn). And, InshaAllah there will be a national competition for the primary, middle and junior high schools including all the provinces in order to be always in touch with Holy Book of Allah, and we wish you all the best."

It is noteworthy that this competition is held only for the students of the Institute and its subsidiaries, and it was attended by all students who participated in the summer courses hosted by the Institute and its branches. And, according to the standards special to the Quran's memorization, a preliminary test was conducted to nominate for the introductory stages 200 participants that will be reduced to 60. Noting that the competition was for the memorization of one chapter (Juz'), three, five or ten chapters, and has included the student of the Institute in the city of Karbala, Al-Hindyah District and the Al-Diwaniyah province.
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