The southern green belt department of the Al-Abbas's (P) holy shrine has started planting more than 40,000 seedlings among seasonal trees and flowers.
Mr. Tanweer Sadiq Saeed, one of the employees of the Department, said, "due to the need of the 24 oases of the green belt for various types of seasonal seedlings and trees, the department has started to establish a nursery in Oasis No. 32, where vegetable crops are grown in addition to seasonal trees and flowers, which are divided into summer and winter types, numbering up to 40,000 seedlings."
He added that"the planting process aims to supply the green oases in the Belt, and marketing through the arboretum of the Great Prophet Oasis (Oasis No. 1), in which the flowers and trees produced are sold to citizens".
He explained that"the Department's staff built more than 10 greenhouses where vegetable crops were planted, including eggplants, cucumbers, and peppers, to supply the host complex of the Al-Abbas's (p) holy shrine, and export the surplus to local markets".