Assistant head of the Department Sheikh Zain al-Abideen al-Quraishi said,"after the completion of the Fatimi season of Sorrows according to the third narration, Our staffs began to hang the black signs of sadness, embroidered with words of condolence on the death anniversary of lady Umm al-Baneen (peace be upon her)".
"Black banners of various sizes were distributed in the Holy Courtyard of the shrine of Aba al-Fadl al-Abbas(peace be upon him) and the surrounding places,"he added.
Al-Quraishi continued,"the Al-Abbas's(p) holy shrine commemorates the death anniversary of Lady Umm al-Baneen (peace be upon her) by preparing an integrated program that includes the establishment of condolence, preaching and guidance councils, and recalling her blessed biography (peace be upon her)".