The general secretariat of the Al-Abbas's (p) holy shrine held an annual celebration on the occasion of the birth anniversary of Lady Fatima az-Zahra (peace be upon her), with the participation of Karbala families.
The celebration was held in the Al-Kafeel nursery group of the holy shrine, and included many events, including the recitation of a collection of poems by poets Karar Ali and Mohammed al-Yasiri.
As for the religious Muwashahat segment, Mullah Yasser al-Karbalai, Mullah Alaa al-Karbalai, and Mullah Ali al-Ambar participated in it, and the poet Zain al-Abideen al-Saidi presented the introduction of the ceremony.
All the poetic posts highlighted this auspicious occasion and various stations from the life of Lady Fatima az-Zahra (peace be upon her).