With a completion rate of 85%.. More than (60) thousand plants within the oasis in the southern green belt

The southern green belt department at the Al-Abbas's (p) holy shrine confirmed that the Amr Ibn al-Hamak oasis includes more than (60) thousand plants, with a completion rate of 85%.

The head of the Department, Mr. Nasser Hussein Miteb, said that "the Amr Ibn al-Hamak oasis in the Southern Green Belt project includes more than (60) thousand plantings that can be increased, within the Arboretum located in it, in addition to flowers and roses".

He added that" the completion rate in the Oasis reached 85%, "noting that it"contains various and rare varieties of Evergreen plantings and shade trees".

He added that"the Oasis will provide the host of the Al-Abbas's (p) Shrine with what it needs of vegetables, while the surplus of production will go to supply the local markets, pointing out that it contains places for rest and entertainment to receive families".
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