The director of the Office of the Senior Official of the holy shrine; Sayed Afdhal al-Shami, said,"under the guidance of His Eminence the Senior Official of the Al-Abbas's (p) shrine; His Eminence Sayed Ahmad al-Safi, a delegation visited the province of Basra to offer condolences to the families of the victims of the students of the run-over accident in the al-Haretha area, as we received the news of the painful incident with great sadness and great sorrow".
He added, "We went to attend the condolence councils held for the souls of the victims from the students, and we presented them with the banner of the dome of the holy shrine of Aba al-Fadl al-Abbas (peace be upon him), and His Eminence Sayed al-Safi spoke by phone with the victims 'families and offered condolences and sympathy on this painful incident, asking Allah Almighty to grant them patience and fortitude and raise their grades in the hereafter".
"The delegation visited the wounded students lying in the hospital and in their homes, and was received by their families, as some of them are in stable condition, and others are in critical condition, asking Allah (Almighty) to grant them a speedy recovery,"he added.
"This is not the first initiative from the Al-Abbas's (p) Shrine to console our brothers, as it was preceded by multiple initiatives in which the Holy Shrine was rushing to console our compatriots,"al-Shami stressed.
For their part, the families of the victims and injured students expressed their thanks and gratitude to the general secretariat of the Al-Abbas's (p) holy shrine for the presence of its delegation to the city, offering condolences, communicating with the wounded and their families, attending the funeral councils and hospitals to review the state of health of children, stressing that the presence of the holy shrine today had an impact in alleviating the pain of the tragedy.