The Al-Abbas's (p) Shrine concludes the activities of the central Takleef ceremony for schoolgirls in Karbala

The Husseini Women Division of Public Speaking at the Al-Abbas's (p) holy shrine concluded the activities of the central Takleef ceremony for schoolgirls in Karbala governorate.

The ceremony is held by the Husseini Women Division of Public Speaking in cooperation with the General Directorate of education of Karbala governorate, within the framework of the (Fatimi Roses) project in its sixth edition, with the participation of about (4500) female students from (88) schools.

The ceremony was launched at the Aba al-Fadl al-Abbas complex (peace be upon him) to serve the visitors, in the presence of the Senior Official of the holy shrine; Sayed Ahmad al-Safi, the Secretary General; Sayed Mustafa Mortada Aal Dia-Uddin, his deputy engineer Abbas Musa Ahmed, a number of board members, heads of departments and officials, the governor of Karbala, Mr. Nassif al-Khattabi, and many official and educational figures and parents of students.

The ceremony, which lasted two days, witnessed several paragraphs, including speeches and chanting by thousands of female students the era of Senior Official, and the presentation of an introductory film about the Fatimi Roses project, which cares for female students who have reached the Takleef age, and translating the vision of the Al-Abbas's (P) holy shrine in paying attention to the educational aspect and its reflection on the educational side of girls, as well as indicating the goal of the holy shrine of holding this ceremony, which seeks to raise the girl's religious and cultural awareness in a loving way; in order to introduce female students to this moment of their age, and activate their role in promoting religious values and principles in society, and and guide them towards the right path in their religious and social life.

The ceremony also witnessed a theatrical performance, presented by the students of Al-Wafa school, which dealt with various topics, including the details of the student, her full conviction of the assignment, and what she is exposed to in this age period, and supervised the performance in terms of preparation and directing, the Husseini activity unit of the Husseini Women Division of the Public Speaking at the holy shrine, and honoring a number of teaching staff and participants.

The Takleef ceremony aims to enhance the religious and cultural awareness of the students by teaching them to do ablution, pray and recite Surah Fatiha correctly, promote the values of cooperation and solidarity in the local community, build a generation capable of taking responsibility and promote Islamic values and humanitarian principles in the hearts of girls.
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