In the martyrdom's anniversary of Lady Fatima Az-Zahra (peace be upon her): What is the secret of her relationship with Aba Al-Fadl Al-Abbas (peace be upon him)?

There is two important links between the Saint Az-Zahra (peace be upon her) and Aba Al-Fadl Al-Abbas (peace be upon him): The first is that he (peace be upon him) was the defender of the children of Az-Zahra (peace be upon her) and her husband the Commander of the Faithful (peace be upon him) in many situations that required the firmness, courage and determination owned by the Moon of the Clan (peace be upon him), first in as young he participated in the battles lead by his father the Commander of the Faithful (peace be upon him) who was preparing him to stand at the side of his elder brother Imam Al-Hassan (peace be upon him), in the face of the tyranny and despotism of Mu'awiyah. And then to give victory to his brother Aba Al-Fadl Al-Abbas (peace be upon him) in his blessed and immortal uprising to recover the luster of the Islamic message established by our Holy Prophet (prayers and Allah's peace be upon him and his holy Household), then Aba Al-Fadl Al-Abbas (peace be upon him) supported with courage his beloved brother Imam Al-Hussayn (peace be upon him) during the timeless battle of At-Taf, which has removed the blinding dust on the wrong and enlightened the truth in the face of challenges. So, Aba Al-Fadl (peace be upon him) was the best supporting brother and the courageous defender of the son of Az-Zahra (peace be upon her) Imam Al-Hussayn (peace be upon him).

The other link between Our Lady Az-Zahra (peace be upon her) and the quencher of the thirsty of Karbala Aba Al-Fadl Al-Abbas (peace be upon him) is the ideological link extended spiritually through the right belief and certainty on which the Moon of the Clan was raised, he grew up on the principles of the protection of the honour of the message as a religious duty and ideological Jihad. Hi mother the immaculate Um Al-Baneen (peace be upon her) has fed him the love, devotion and sacrifice for those souls whom the Almighty has purified, especially that he (peace be upon him) is the son of this blessed and fragrant tree of prophecy.

In one of the narrations: "Saint Az-Zahra (peace be upon her) will be holding on the Day of Judgement on her right shoulder the shirt of her son Imam Al-Hassan (peace be upon him), on her left shoulder the shirt of her son Imam Al-Hussayn (peace be upon him) and between her hands a dish in which there is her fetus Al-Muhassen (peace be upon him). Then Gabriel (peace be upon him) will ask her: "O Lady of all women, by what will you start for the intercession? Is it by your baby Al-Muhassen? she replies: No.. Then he asks her: Is it by the killing of you cousin Ali Ibnu Abi Taleb? she replies: No.. Then he asks: Is it by the killing of your son Al-Hassan? she replies: No.. Then he asks: Is it by the killing of your son Al-Hussayn? She replies: No.. Then he asks her: By what will you start O Zahra? It is then when Az-Zahra will take out the hands of Aba Al-Fadl Al-Abbas saying: O You The Most Just, O The Most Wise, Judge between me and those who have cut these hands! What is the guilt of these hands to be cut from the wrist?" Source: Kanz Al-'Ummal, Jame' Al-Fawa'ed and the book of the stories of Fatima Az-Zahra (peace be upon her).

Also, there is two well known stories that illustrate the relationship of Our lady Az-Zahra (peace be upon her) and Aba Al-Fadl (peace be upon him): The first is written in the martyrdom secrets of Darbandi and Ma'ali Sibtayn of Mazandarani: one of the people of Karbala used to visit the Master of Martyrs (peace be upon him) every day two to three times without visiting Aba Al-Fadl Al-Abbas (peace be upon him), only after ten days. One day he has seen in his dream Lady Az-Zahra (peace be upon her), he has said Salam to her, but she didn't reply to him, so he asked her: what's the wrong I did O My Lady? she replied: You don't visit my son. He told her: I do visit your son three times a day. Then she told him: Yes you visit this way my son Al-Hussayn but you don't visit my son Al-Abbas that much.

The second story is told by one of the virtuous: I was present at a Hussayni Majlis, in which the preacher has stated that Al-Abbas son of the Commander of the Faithful (peace be upon both of them) does not have any kind of relationships with Az-Zahra (peace be upon her) and that he was not her son at all, but the son of Fatima Al-Kilabiyah called Um Al-Baneen. The second day, the same preacher was speaking about the personality of Al-Abbas Ibn Ali (peace be upon both of them) and said that Aba Al-Fadl is certainly the son of Az-Zahra as he has seen her in his dream the previous night telling him: "O Sheikh! Do not lie falsely on our matter! The truth is that he is my son, and here are his two hands between my hands i will take them out the day of Judgement to demand the retribution of those who have cut them on the day of Karbala, and you say he is not my son?!"
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