The official of the water division of the Department, Engineer Ahmed Mohammed Mohsen, said that"the Al-Abbas's(p) holy shrine water station provided visitors and Husseini processions participating in the revival of the Ziyarat Ashura, with more than 111 million liters of filtered and healthy water (RO)".
He added that " the water produced by the division's stations was divided into two types, the first 9 million and 500 thousand liters of healthy water (RO), which is used for drinking through the supply of fountains and water containers located in the vicinity of the Al-Abbas's (p) Shrine and the courtyard of Aba al-Fadl al-Abbas(peace be upon him), and the distribution of water to visitors and Husseini processions through the watering unit of the Service Affairs Department, and the second type 102 million liters of filtered water pumped to the bathroom complexes and the Host Restaurant Department, used for washing and cooking.".
The water is subjected to a filtration and purification process at the department station by passing it through sand and carbon filters, where the sand phase purifies the water from impurities and clays, while the carbon phase purifies the water from odors and chlorine.