In compliance with the directives of the supreme religious authority and in continuation of the visits made by delegations from the Al-Abbas's (p) holy shrine to the military troops of the armed forces and the popular mobilization heroes stationed in the various fronts, in order to provide them with the material and logistical support and to check their situation. A delegation of the holy shrine and the Al-Abbas's (p) fighting squad has visited the military troops stationed on the outskirts of Al-Fallujah in order to provide them with support and to sustain the momentum of the fight against the criminal gangs.
The head of the delegation; Sheikh Haydar Al-'Aridi from the Department of Religious Affairs at the holy shrine explained to Al-Kafeel Network the following: "The Al-Abbas's (p) holy shrine continues in compliance with the directives of the supreme religious authority and the guidance of its High Responsible Sayed. Ahmed Al-Safi, to visit the military troops and to provide the brothers stationed in the battlefield with the material and logisitical support through the distribution of food, in-kind materials and all that they might need. These visits have begun since the launch of the blessed Fatwa of the supreme religious authority, because as you know these visits are necessary to sustain the fight momentum and to give the fighters a psychological and moral incentive to perpetuate their victories until the full liberation of the sacred land of Iraq of the profanity of the criminal ISIL gangs."
Stating: "The visit has included the military units stationed on the outskirts of Al-Fallujah and the area of Abu Ghraib, who were blessed by the Almighty God by being in the fields of Jihad. We have provided them with some logistical assistance, and we have succeeded to visit the brothers in the Al-Musayyab area, specifically the faithful working in the Procession of Hamza Al-Gharbi to provide the support such as food to the Mujahideen stationed in Jurf Al-Nasr. As we are used that the religious authority always directs its attention to the brothers the Mujahideen, providing them with the support at various level, especially those who are stationed in the battlefields as they have significant impact."
The fighters for their part, have praised this visit and thanked the Al-Abbas's (p) holy shrine for its big efforts to deliver aid and provide them with great support since the start of the blessed fatwa up to now, stressing on their steadfastness and the perpetuation of their victories until we achieve the victory and fully cleanse the land of Iraq from the profanity of the criminal ISIL gangs.