In the spiritual atmosphere of the blessed evening of the holy month of Ramadan, added to the joys and delight of the birth anniversary of the Imam Al-Mujtaba (peace be upon him), the hearts of the lovers flew before their eyes while watching the flag of Imam Al-Hassan (peace be upon him), which was raised and flatter high in the shrine of Rad Shams [sun's return] to Imam Ali (peace be upon him) in the city of Hilla, the centre of Babylon province, marking the beginning of the ninth edition in row of the annual cultural festival of the birth of the Kareem [generous] of Ahl Al-Bayt (peace be upon them), held by the people of Hillah under the auspices of the holy shrines of Imam Al-Hussayn and Al-Abbas (peace be upon both of them).
The green flag, on which was written with white colour "Ya Kareem Ahl Al-Bayt", was set up on a high mast in the central square of the shrine of Rad Shams to Imam Ali (peace be upon him), and in one of the sides of the celebration platform.
It is noteworthy that this festival is held annually in the holy month of Ramadan to celebrate the auspicious birth anniversary of Imam Al-Hassan (peace be upon him). This year, the festival is marked by the extensive public presence and the increase of the number of its activities. The Al-Abbas's (p) holy shrine has the most prominent role in this organization and coordination of all the activities of this festival.