During these days, the Islamic nation commemorate the anniversary of the tragedy of the martyrdom of the savior and guide of mankind, the Holy Prophet (Allah's prayers be upon him and his holy Household), who was martyred on Monday 28th of Safar in the year 11 AH at the ag of 63 years due to be given deadly poison, according to the famous narrations.
The holy prophet (Allah's prayers be upon him and his holy Household) has borne the responsibility of calling for Islam and he has suffered for the sake of it persecution and oppression from the infidels of Quraish, and despite these difficult circumstances he fulfilled his blessed message for which he was sent, and in the tenth year of migration and after performing the rituals of the pilgrimage, the holy prophet (Allah's prayers be upon him and his holy Household) stopped in Ghadeer Khum responsive to the call of Revelation: {O Messenger (you who convey and embody the Message in the best way)! Convey and make known in the clearest way all that has been sent down to you from your Lord. For, if you do not, you have not conveyed His Message and fulfilled the task of His Messengership. And God will certainly protect you from the people. God will surely not guide the disbelieving people.} (5:67) and it was then the famous event known by the day of Ghadeer Khum in the eighteenth of Dhu Al-Hijjah. He has declared the perfection of the religion and the completion of the favor by the Wilayat of the Commander of the Faithful Ali Ibn Abi Taleb (peace be upon both of them) and then this verse was revealed: {This day I have perfected for you your Religion (with all its rules, commandments and universality), completed My favor upon you, and have been pleased to assign for you Islam as religion.} (5:3).
And about his death (Allah's prayers be upon him and his holy Household), it is narrated that Imam Ali son of Al-Hussayn (peace be upon both of them) that he said: I heard my father saying: "Three days before the death of the Messenger of Allah (Allah's prayers be upon him and his holy Household) Gabriel (peace be upon him) descended and said: O Ahmad, God has sent me to you as a special honor and preference to you, asking you for what He is more knowledgeable than you, saying: How are you feeling, O Muhammad? The Prophet (Allah's prayers be upon him and his holy Household) said: O Gabriel I feel distressed, and I feel, o Gabriel, grieved.
And when it was the third day, Gabriel descended with the angel of death, and angel called in the air Isma'eel with seventy thousand angels. Gabriel preceded them and said: O Ahmad, God Almighty sent me to you as a special honor and preference to you, asking you for what He is more knowledgeable than you, saying: How are you feeling, O Muhammad? The Prophet (Allah's prayers be upon him and his holy Household) said: O Gabriel I feel distressed, and I feel, o Gabriel, grieved. Then the angel of death asked for the permission to enter, and Gabriel said: O Ahmad, this is the death angel asking permission from you, and he did and will never ask permission for nobody before or after you. The holy prophet (Allah's prayers be upon him and his holy Household) said: Give him the permission. And so did Gabriel, he entered and stood up between his hands and said: O Ahmad, God has sent me to you, and he ordered me to obey you in what you order me, if you order me to take your soul I will do and if you do not I will leave it. Then the Holy prophet (Allah's prayers be upon him and his holy Household) said: And you will do that O Angel of death? He said: yes, I was ordered to obey you in what you order me. Gabriel then told him: O Ahmad the Almighty God has longed to meet you. The Messenger of Allah (Allah's prayers be upon him and his holy Household) said then to the Angel of Death: Proceed As you were ordered."
It is narrated from Anas bin Malik who said: When we finished from the burial of the Prophet (Allah's prayers be upon him and his holy Household) Fatima (peace be upon her) came to me and said: How could you put the soil on the face of the Messenger of Allah? And then cried. And said: Then she mourned for him saying, “O Father, to Gabriel I mourn you! O father, the Paradise is your abode! O father, you responded to the Lord Who has invited you!”
It is also narrated from Fidhdha (Lady fatima's helper) that after the Prophet's death that Fatima revealed the extent of her sadness and inability to bear life without her father. She (peace be upon her) came to the Mosque and while crying said:
`Oh! Father
Oh! My sincere friend
Oh! Abu Al-Qasim
Oh! The helper of the widowed and the orphans
Who do we have for Kaaba and the Mosque?
Who does your saddened and grieved daughter have?"
Fidhdha added:
"Fatima (peace be upon her) then proceeded towards the tomb of the Prophet; it was difficult for her to walk because her tears covered her eyes. When she saw the Mizaneh, she passed out; so the women rushed to rescue her; after putting water of her face, she regained consciousness; Fatima then said:
`My strength has been eradicated
My endurance has betrayed me
My enemies have rejoiced at my misfortune
And my grief will kill me
Father! I remain bewildered and lonely
Confused and lonesome
My voice is subdued
My back is broken
My life is disturbed
I find no one, Father, after you to attend to my loneliness
Neither to stop my tears
Nor to support me in times of weakness
Surely precise revelations, the place of Gabriel's descendence and Michael's location have vanished after you
Motives (of others) have changed
And gates have been shut in my face
Thus, I detest this world after you
And my tears shall be shed for you as long as breath continues to exist in me
My longing for you shall not cease
My sadness for (being separated from) you shall not vanish
Fatima az-Zahra (sa) then cried out loudly:
With you went the light of the world
Its flowers wither away after blossoming in your presence
I will forever be sorrowful for you until we are reunited
Sleeping has left me since we have been separated
Who is there for the widows and the orphans
Who will we have for the Ummah until
The Day of Rising?!
We became-after you-among the oppressed
People shun us after you
After we were glorified by your presence among men
Thus, what tear shall not spill on your departure?
What sadness (after you) shall not continue to exist?
Which eyelid shall be smeared with slumber?
You are the spring of faith and the light of Prophets
So how can mountains not sway?
And seas not dry out?
How can the Earth not tremble?
Father! I have been afflicted with the greatest sorrow, and my disaster is not minor!
I have been inflicted with the greatest misfortune and the biggest calamity
Angels cry for you, and stars cease to move because of you
Your minbar (after you) is gloomy, Your minbar is empty
Of your secret conversation (with your Lord)
Your grave is joyful for holding you
And Paradise is delighted with your presence
Supplication and prayers
How gloomy are your meeting places (without your presence)!!
How pained I am for you, until I soon join you!!
How bereaved is Abu Al-Hussan, The entrusted one!!
The Father of your two sons, Al-Hasan and Al-Husayn; your beloved one
He whom you brought up as a youth, and made your brother as a man (Abu Al-Hasan)
The most beloved of your companions to you
Abu Al-Hasan, who was the first to immigrate and help you
Sadness has overtaken us; Crying will kill us
And distress will always accompany us.'