For the fifth year in a row and from the Indian city of Calcutta: The al-Abbas's (p) Holy Shrine launches the Annual Cultural Festival of the Commander of the Faithful (peace be upon him) with the participation of Iraq's holy shrines.

On Wednesday the 14th of Rajab 1438AH corresponding to the 12th of April 2017, the activities of the annual cultural festival of the Commander of the Faithful (peace be upon him) held under the slogan "the Commander of the Faithful (peace be upon him) the proof on people and the guider to the wisdom" by the Iraq's shrines under the auspices of the al-Abbas's (p) holy shrine in the Indian City of Calcutta in its oldest Hussayniyat of Fadl al-Nisa, and which will last for four days.

The opening ceremony that has started with the recitation of verses from the Holy Quran by the reader of the Imam Ali's (p) holy shrine; Sheikh Ahmed Jassem, was attended by a large presence including religious, academic, cultural and social figures, a number of the teachers and students of the Indian Hawza and the representatives of the religious authorities, in addition to a large crowd from the people of the city, as well as the official delegations that have represented the holy shrines in Iraq.

Then there was a speech of the holy shrines in Iraq delivered on their behalf by Sheikh Ali al-Asdi from the Department of Religious Affairs at the al-Abbas's (p) holy shrine, followed by the word of the scholars of Calcutta delivered on their behalf by Sheikh Ghulam Hassan Najafi, one of the most eminence scholars of the Indian city of Calcutta and one of India's top religious authorities.

Then came the word of the agent of the supreme religious authority in the Indian Kashmir, delivered on his behalf by his son Sayed Abu Hassan. Followed by the word of Sayed Idriss Ali, a member of the Parliament of one of the cities of the West Indian state of Bengal. The opening ceremony words were concluded by the word of the representative of the supreme religious authority and the dean of the Jawadiyah University for the Hawza studies in the Indian city of Banaris; Sayed Shamim Hassan radawi.

The ceremony was attended by poets who have read their poems about this occasion of the auspicious birth anniversary of the Commander of the Faithful, the Master of guardians; Imam Ali Ibn Abi Taleb (peace be upon both of them). The attendees have headed to the opening of the exhibitions of the various intellectual and cultural publications and productions of the holy shrines participating in this festival.
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