Two days after launching the liberation operations of the Jazeera Kubra: The leadership of the al-Abbas's (p) Squad shows accurate final statistics of what has been achieved so far within its axis.

The leadership of the al-Abbas's (p) Fighting Squad has announced on Friday evening the 5th of Rabi' Awwal 1439 AH corresponding to the November 24, 2017 an accurate statistic of what has been achieved by its units within its axis in the operations of "The Messenger of Allah; the Seal of the Prophets" to liberate the great Sahara, as follows:

- The total liberated area is 400 square kilometers.

- Purge the road of Hadhar Rawah, which represents the enemy's strategic route in the region.

- Liberation of the villages: Shikhan, Shikha, Brayt, Saman, Al Bu Adel, M'ayni hills, Khashm Dhiban and Dhyab in addition to underground stores.

- Control of a car bomb, detonating it under control.

- Detonation of a number of improvised explosive devices and mines and the clearing of tens of kilometers of secondary and paved roads by modern special mechanisms.

- Control of the enemy's weapons store and seize a quantity of weapons and ammunition.

- Control of the central communication center of the enemy.

- seizing a number of vehicles left by the fleeing enemy.

- Disruption of a vehicle transporting gunmen and the killing of all of them with the support of join aviation.

- Killing 15 ISIL members.

- Liberation of the military airport "Jinif", and the landing and take-off of the first Air Force aircraft.

- Opening safe corridors for dozens of displaced families.

- Penetrating the desert of Jazeera Kubra from the center to cut off the supply and communication of ISIL gangs from the Hadhar street to the south, which contributed to supporting the fighting units in the axes (the advanced axis from Rawah to the depth of the great Sahara, the advanced axis from Siniyah Jazeera, the advanced axis from Mak'hool mountains series, the advanced axis from Baj hills, and the advanced axis from the Shergat junction).

- Our losses: Zero, all praise be to God.

- All of this within only five hours of fighting.

Mercy to our martyrs who are the basis of all this victory, and the prayers of prompt recovery for out wounded heroes. May Allah protect our knights {Among the believers are men true to what they promised Allah. Among them is he who has fulfilled his vow [to the death], and among them is he who awaits [his chance]. And they did not alter [the terms of their commitment] by any alteration -} (33:23).
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