The Institute of the Holy Quran held a weekly Quranic forum in the al-Abbas's (p) holy shrine.

The Institute of the Holy Quran of the al-Abbas's (p) holy shrine is used to established Quranic evenings and forums, which witness the presence and interaction of the visitors, because of the spiritual and faith atmosphere that fill their heart while listening the verses of the Holy Quran that give peace and serenity. And the al-Abbas's (p) holy shrine establishes these forums weekly in the holy sanctuary.

The Quranic weekly forum, which is held in the holy sanctuary of Aba al-Fadl al-Abbas (peace be upon him) at 3 pm every Friday, is supervised by the recitation unit at the Institute of the Holy Quran, and with the participation of a group of readers of the holy Quran from the project of the talented students and the courses of the recitation in the Iraqi and Egyptian way, held and supervised by the institute in Karbala and beyond.

The forum is held in the midst of a distinctive Quranic presence from different segments of society. The audience was listening with reverence to the holy verses of Quran.

It is worth mentioning that the Institute of the Holy Quran at the al-Abbas's (p) holy shrine holds a lot of Quranic forums, courses and competitions on all different occasions in order to spread awareness and Quranic culture.
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