The jury of the Karbala Competition for Hussayni Radood announced the winners of each of the two categories "emerging talents" and "youth" during the closing ceremony which was held on Wednesday evening July 18, 2018 corresponding to the 3rd of Dhul Qi'dah 1439 AH at the hall of Imam al-Hassan (peace be upon him) in the al-Abbas's (p) holy shrine.
The results of the emerging talents category are as follows:
The winner of the first place: Radood Reda Athir Adnan.
The winner in second place: Radood Haidar Ali Nasser.
The winner of the third place: Radood Ali Hussein Hadi.
The Department of Intellectual and Cultural Affairs added two awards to the participants who achieved the fourth and fifth stages as sign of support and encouragement of the contestants. The prizes were presented by the Deputy Head of the Department, Sayed. Aqeel Yasiri, and were as follows:
The winner of fourth place: Radood Mu'ammal Ahmed Mirza
The winner of the fifth place: Radood Abbas Mohsen Ali.
As for the Youth Category, the winners were as follows:
The winner of the first place: Radood Amir Ahmed Aziz.
The winner of the second place: Radood Mustafa Risan Alwan.
The winner of third place: Radood Amir Ali Anad.
The jury has shown that all the contestants were brilliant and each of them was distinguished among their peers. The competition was tough, and the competition's jury found difficulties differentiating between them, only minor difference in the competition made the choice of the winners according to the sequence and evaluation of the arbitration commission.